Monday, February 27, 2006

The Power of Persuasion: How We're Bought and Sold with author Dr. Robert Levine

A mesmerizing chat with Dr. Bob Levine from California Statue University Fresno regarding how we are persuaded by politicians, cult leaders, sales people and con men. Essential information for every human being who doesn't want to get taken.

Guide To Self radio airs every Monday through Friday at 5 pm on KDIA 1640 AM. More shows are available at

Guide To Self is sponsored in part by Infinet Assessment, the leader
in employee testing. For more info, visit Infinet at Thank you!
Duration:28 minutes, 20 seconds

MP3 File

Two of the most powerful tools for a thriving life are the ability to stay in the present moment (not dwell on the past or fret about the future) and the ability to go outside one's self (to watch as from above your body).

These skills are tremendously helpful in creating emotional distance during stressful situations. This, in turn, allows you to remain calm and centered in chaotic, stressful or emotionally-charged situations. This is where true power begins.

Listen in as Dr. John chats with Amy about how to emotionally disengage from chaotic moments by blurring the boundaries between self
and that which is "not self."

More shows available at Guide To Self
Radio is sponsored by Infinet Assessment. Guide To Self airs on KDIA.
Listen live via web simulcast at
Duration:28 minutes, 21 seconds

MP3 File

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Tune in to today's edition of Guide To Self for the latest ways to survive in the brave new world of midlife romance – the sticky world of sex and the single parent!
How do you date when you are single with kids? What are the rules for folks over thirty recently reintroduced to the dating scene?
Who makes the first call?
Does the "three date rule" hold true?
Who pays for dinner?
And perhaps MOST importantly - How do you find a date who is NOT insane?

In 2003, nearly 30% of folks age 40 to 60 are single and the number seems to be growing. That’s up more than 10% from 1980. And roughly 2/3rds of these people are actively dating. What’s more, according to AARP, 45% of men and 38% of women age 40 to 60 have intercourse at least once a week. And 61% of sexually active older singles report they’re having unprotected sex.

Now the lady whom I’m speaking with today, Tamara, is in her late 30's. She is single and a mother of two teenage daughters. Today, I’m talking with Tamara, a veteran of the trenches of the single scene. She has some valuable lessons for most, if not all. of us.

For those of you interested in learning the new rules of dating for single parents, stick around, you are right where you want to be. This is your friendly neighborhood psychologist, Dr. John and you’re listening to Guide To Self on KDIA 1640 AM
Sponsored by Infinet Assessment

MP3 File

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Dr. John Schinnerer chats with Monica Reinagel, author of The Inflammation Free Diet Plan – The Scientific Way to Lose Weight, Banish Pain, Prevent Disease and Slow Aging.

There are a number of diverse health care concerns related to inflammation – Alzheimer’s, diabetes, heart disease, and hay fever.
Most experts agree that an anti-inflammatory diet is a powerful way to lose weight, rejuvenate your skin, mitigate depression, and alleviate arthritis. It’s a hot topic right now in health circles grabbing headlines in Time Magazine, the Wall Street Journal and the Today Show recently.

On this edition of Guide To Self, find out how to tell which foods cause inflammation, what supplements to take to decrease your inflammation, which foods to avoid and more!

Guide To Self Radio airs on KDIA 1640 AM every Monday through Friday at 5 pm. Pick it up live via the web at Check out past
shows at

Guide To Self is sponsored in part by Infinet Assessment - the best in
employment testing. Visit Infinet at
Duration:29 minutes, 13 seconds
Date Last Updated:

MP3 File

Friday, February 17, 2006

A genuine and poignant conversation between Katie and Dr. John Schinnerer, a psychologist out of UC Berkeley. How long is long enough to wait for your spouse to "change"? At what point do you forgive and move on with your life?

Find out about the five types of forgiveness that you need to know for a happy and thriving life. Forgiveness is the key to dumping out all your old feelings of resentment, anger and disappointment.

Guide To Self radio is on KDIA 1640 AM every Mon - Friday at 5 pm. Dr. John can be reached for coaching at (925) 944-3440.

Guide To Self Radio is brought to you in part by Infinet Assessment. Visit them today at for the best in pre-employment testing.

Duration:28 minutes, 26 seconds

MP3 File

I am your friendly neighborhood psychologist, Dr. John Schinnerer, and we have a poignant show for you today. I’m going to tell you about the latest in top secret ways to build a lasting and satisfying relationship. So if you are interested in learning how to build a happy and successful relationship, stick around because today I’m talking about ways to create a successful, lifelong relationship with your spouse. Studies show that the happiest people spend more time with others and less time by themselves. So what are some of the key ingredients to a lasting, successful relationship with your spouse, your friends, and your children? Tune in and find out! Guide To Self radio airs on KDIA 1640 AM in the San Francisco Bay Area every Monday through Friday at 5 pm. You can also catch it on the web at Past shows are available at
Duration:29 minutes, 16 seconds

MP3 File

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Best Ways to Overcome Sadness, Irritability and Depression

Guide To Self – KDIA Radio
Latest Methods for Dealing with Sadness
Dr. John Schinnerer
Guide To Self Radio and Coaching

A great day to you and welcome to Guide To Self where you learn the latest ways to deal with sadness!

As many of you know, my wife and I recently had our fourth child, a girl named Molly Marie. She is now six weeks old which means we’ve gone six weeks without much sleep. My wife and I are exhausted. The other three children are jealous to one degree or another. And my mood recently took a nosedive.

So today, I’m going to share with you steps you can take to defeat depression, sadness, irritability or whatever you want to call it.

Sadness is Different for Men than for Women

Be aware that sadness takes different shapes. Typically, sadness appears as anger and irritability in men and comes out as sorrow and melancholy in women. So it looks different when I get down from when my wife gets down. I tend to get more irritable and less patient. I feel overwhelmed more easily. I have a harder time staying in the present moment. My thoughts take me to the past or the future more quickly. My energy level is low. My body aches more. And I get less joy out of my daily routines.

So I want to share with you what exactly is going on in my life. I want to make you aware of what it takes to cause a road bump in my emotional path. I told you about not sleeping well for six weeks due to the baby. That’s a big one. Sleep disturbance is enough to mess up anyone’s mood. In my case, lack of sleep led to a cold and sore throat.

On top of that, I’m not a wealthy man. In fact, nearly the opposite, I’m in debt. I have not made money doing this radio show. So I pay for the privilege of sharing my knowledge with listeners. Roughly 2 hours per day are spent preparing for the show. I book my own guests. I write my own scripts. I respond to emails and letters.

Also, I’m currently in charge of two companies. I’m working on corporate taxes which I don’t particularly enjoy.

I see several clients daily for coaching where I deal with other people’s problems most of the day.

I’m trying to find the time to finish two books.

At night, once the children are in bed, I add radio shows to the website and do the programming.

My wife is now back to work 3 days per week as a hairdresser. This means that two mornings a week, with the help of a nanny, I juggle a newborn and a 5-year-old.

My house is partially torn up due to a contractor who left the job half-finished. So we’re now in the process of drawing up new plans and finding a new contractor.

And to top it all off, a few days ago, I was served papers for a lawsuit in which I’m being sued by a title company for a down payment on a house. We’ve paid the money. I’ve got the stubs from the money orders. Apparently, the title company didn’t receive them with all the other papers we mailed in.

Right now, it feels as if every relationship in my life is consuming my energy. And I’m running on empty. So I’ve been exhausted and bummed out the last couple of days.

So what do I do? How does a psychologist break out of such a vicious cycle?
I’ll tell you how. Dealing with sadness that stays with you for a few days or weeks may require a lifestyle change for you – it’s about dealing with your whole person – diet, exercise, faith, mind and relationships.

Top Ways to Deal with Sadness

First, I never stop exercising. Even when my mind is trying to find a way out of it, I will at least walk for 20 minutes. It’s critical that you exercise twenty minutes a day for mood and longer than that if you want to lose weight. This can be as simple as climbing the stairs at work twice a day, or walking for 20 minutes. When I’m working out, I will think about getting rid of all my fear and anger. Exercise is one of the best ways to work negative emotions out of your body.

Second, I remind myself of what is truly important by determining what is really important and what is not. How do I do this? I ask myself the question, “Will this matter a year from now?” Most of the time, the answer is “No, it won’t matter.” It’s one of the ways we can learn to be less emotionally reactive and more thoughtfully proactive. If you’re like me, you have to train yourself to behave in healthy ways because most people did not learn these tricks growing up. So you need to retrain your brain. As you learn to respond more effectively to minor inconveniences, it leaves you more positive energy to respond to actual crises. This is known to many as wisdom - the ability to deal well with your own suffering as well as help others with theirs.

Third, I focus on everything for which I am grateful – my wife, my children, my dog, my friends, my coworkers, my God, my health and so on. It is critical that you learn how to appreciate life. Life is a gift that has been granted to us. The more we appreciate and cherish the gift, the more we understand what a magical journey life is. Your thoughts matter tremendously in this equation of emotion.

A study done at NIMH focused on the power of thought and emotion. The brain activity of ten normal women was monitored under 3 different conditions.

The researcher recorded each person’s brain activity when they were thinking neutral thoughts, happy thoughts, and sad thoughts.

During the neutral thoughts, nothing changed in the brain.

During the happy thoughts, the limbic system, or the emotional brain, cooled down, and became less active resulting in a more relaxed and energized state.

During the sad thoughts, the limbic system, the emotional brain, became aroused and active which has negative effects on your body – tense muscles, quickened heart rate, perspiration and so on.

Think about the last time you felt happy. How did your body feel? Your muscles relax, your hands become dry, your heart rate slows, and you breathe more deeply. Your body reacts to EVERY FEELING YOU HAVE! This is proof that your emotions matter!

Fourth, welcome the feeling of sadness. It is there for a reason. There is a message or lesson involved in the emotion. Your job is to figure the message out. Once you’ve accepted the feeling, let it go, breathe it out. Emotions are meant to be temporary.

One of my main difficulties growing up was that I could sense or pick up the emotions of other people. I was intuitive even as a little child. The problem is that no one teaches you what to do with that emotional energy. And it’s very draining.

I used to think of myself as a container for negative emotions such as anger, sadness and fear. What I found is that thinking of yourself as a container for emotions is not a healthy way to picture it. It’s much more helpful to think of yourself as a net which catches positive emotions and allows negative emotions to pass through. Keep in mind that these are just emotions. Emotions are not permanent. They are not intended to remain with us. They are just passing through.

Fifth, as the human brain is easily altered, I change the music I listen to. Once I have made up my mind to change my mood, I purposefully listen to upbeat lively music. I watch only comedies. Realize that your brain is incredibly open to suggestion. Not only can music and television alter your brain, as I mentioned, your very thoughts and feelings have the ability to change the physical make-up of your brain.

You have to be cautious what you expose yourself too. Your senses take in over 4 billion bits of information per second. You are only consciously aware of 2,000 of those bits per second. This means that your mind is constantly taking in seeds and you are not even aware of it – overhearing conversations, televisions playing in the background, commercials you try to ignore, music lyrics and so on. So your emotional state, your thoughts, your judgments all have a tremendous effect on what information you are consciously aware of.

When you are touched, you have a physical sensation. When you feel an emotion, you also have a physical sensation in your body. Every physical sensation, every thought, every feeling is written into your brain. The more times you have it, the more deeply it is written into your brain. So the longer you spend immersed in sad feelings and morose thoughts, the more your body becomes accustomed to that state of being. The more your body becomes accustomed to it, the more it wants to remain there. The harder it is to break out. While you want to welcome the feeling and embrace it, you also want to breathe it out as soon as possible. Don’t spend too long wallowing in self-pity.

Sixth, work in sprints – go two hours and then break for ten minutes. Give yourself a break every two hours at least. Our brain works best that way. It’s difficult and less effective to work eight hours straight.

Seventh, stay in the present moment. Train your thoughts to stay focused on the present moment. When you find Gremlin thoughts coming to take you to the past or the future, redirect yourself to the right now and right here.

Eighth, stop using toxic elements. This includes alcohol, caffeine, marijuana, cocaine, nicotine and sugars. Caffeine and nicotine have been shown in brain studies to decrease overall blood flow to the brain, making most symptoms worsen over time. They also decrease the effectiveness of many medications and increase the number and severity of side effects. Most of the substances we reach for when sad act as central nervous system depressants anyway. When you’re already depressed, you don’t want to add fuel to the fire with alcohol or marijuana.

Ninth, add Omega-3 to your daily diet. Omega-3 stabilizes mood & improves overall brain functioning. Omega-3 fatty acids are essential fatty acids crucial for growth and development. My favorite, and one of the most studied nutrients, is the Omega-3 fatty acids. About 60% of the brain is made up of fats (lipids) that make up the lining of every brain cell. Omega-3s are required by the brain to an extraordinary degree. They cannot be produced by our bodies but must be ingested via diet or pills. They are found in large, fatty, cold water fish, olive oil, and canola oil. Omega-3s help turn down the ‘volume’ of communications between brain cells (similar to the action of a mood stabilizer). Documented benefits of Omega-3 oils include improved mood, clearer thinking, more serenity, better concentration and focus, and better vision.

Tenth, add B Vitamins and folate in particular to your supplement regimen. Published studies have shown a relationship between B vitamins and depression. Increasing levels of B vitamins are highly likely to improve your mood.

Eleventh, add Ginseng. Ginseng is popularly touted as a way to beat stress, improve vigor and simply feel better. The main idea with ginseng is that it helps when your body is stressed. Stress occurs anytime you are challenged above and beyond what your body is used to. An Olympic skier won't ski faster by taking ginseng. He's used to that stress of exercise. A working mother of two kids won't notice a difference. She's accustomed to her daily routine. However, throw in a new baby, or an ill parent, and you’ve just spilled over into exhaustion. That’s when ginseng does make a difference - when you have to push beyond your limits to the point of exhaustion. Ginseng helps increase your resistance and prevent exhaustion.

Twelfth, breathe – We have covered deep breathing in previous shows. This is the deep diaphragmatic breathing where you breathe into your abdomen, not your chest. Focus on pushing out all of the air in your lungs. The goal is to fill your lungs 100% with fresh air on each breath.

Just as with your thoughts and feelings, you want to be constantly aware of your breathing every second of every day. Remember, we’ve already shown it is possible to split your conscious mind in two parts. One part you can use to tend to the daily demands of your life. The other part must be used to monitor your breathing, your thoughts and your feelings. With practice, it can be done.

Thirteenth, don’t isolate yourself. As much as you can, surround yourself with family and friends.

Fourteenth, go easier on yourself

Forgive yourself for your mistakes and shortcomings. Picture yourself as a small child. Now picture yourself parenting yourself. Forgive yourself as you would like to have been forgiven as a child. Mistakes are merely learning opportunities.
And learn to forgive others

Let go of anger and disappointment by writing a letter forgiving the individual who has hurt you. Holding on to the anger only harms you. Forgiving enables you to move on and get past the hurt.

Fifteenth, return to nature. This is a great way to reconnect with your soul. Just take a few minutes, go outside, breathe in deeply, and look at the birds, the trees and the grass.

Sixteenth, get your sleep. Research has shown that adults need between 7 and 8 hours of sleep. No more, no less. If you are too far on either side, you are playing with fire. Sleep too little you risk exhaustion. Sleep too much, you risk lethargy and depression.

Seventeenth, do something for someone else. Altruism is perhaps the most powerful way to snap your mind out of a funk. Focus on someone besides yourself.

To sum up, there are at least fifteen things you can do immediately to pull yourself up and out of a funk. These include taking supplements such as Omega-3 fatty acids, B vitamins, and ginseng, getting your 8 hours of sleep, daily exercise, staying in the present moment, and more. Remember to welcome the feelings that you have. Don’t repress them. That leads to physical troubles such as high blood pressure and heart disease. Rather, be aware of them, listen to them, and let them go. Think of yourself as a net through which emotions pass and not as a container for feelings.

Guide To Self is sponsored in part by Infinet Assessment, the best in employee testing. If you want the best employees, test to find the best candidates. Take a look at Infinet’s comprehensive assessments which look at EQ, IQ, personality, and ethics at or call 925-944-3441.

More information on sadness and depression may be found at the Guide To Self website at

Guide To Self(C) 2005-06.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Dr. John Schinnerer, host of Guide to Self radio, talks with Dr. Shawn Dill, Director of Community Outreach for Life West Health Center in Hayward, California and a upper cervical chiropractor. The theory of chiropractics has always made sense to me: you make some adjustments, push some bones back in place, and you have a better circulatory response.

Yet, there’s always a twinge of fear in me right before getting my neck adjusted.

One of my issues with chiropractics was the lack of precision in the adjustments and the fact that there was no way to measure progress or quality of treatment.

Well, now that’s all changed.

Dr. Dill is practicing upper cervical specific chiropractic where the focus is on your head and neck (atlas and axis more specifically).
What’s more, each time you go in, Dr. Dill uses Computerized Infrared Thermography (images that track heat variability and in turn nerve problems) before and after your adjustment so that he CAN measure the results. This excites me. This has possibilities.

For those of you interested in learning the latest in physical health, stick around. This is your friendly neighborhood psychologist, Dr. John Schinnerer and you’re listening to Guide To Self radio on KDIA 1640 AM.

Are you an avid listener? Call (925) 944-3440 for sponsorship opportunities. The owner of KDIA and KDYA has made some remarkable concessions in an attempt to support
Guide To Self. Email for more info on the remarkable sponsor package
now available.
Duration:31 minutes, 13 seconds

MP3 File

Monday, February 13, 2006

Top Things to Do When You Begin To Get Mad

Dealing with Disagreement for Couples
Dr. John Schinnerer

Guide To Self
(925) 944-3440

Cupid may help people fall in love, but he fails miserably when it comes to helping couples remain in love. That’s because the degree to which you love someone, amazingly, has little to do with how long your relationship lasts. The biggest secret to a happy relationship has to do with how well you deal with your conflicts – what you do when you get mad at your loved one!

Researchers can accurately determine if a couple will divorce simply by watching them talk about their differences for just five minutes. Using this little chunk of information, researchers are correct 91% of the time in uncovering those relationships that will endure versus those that will crash and burn.

In partnerships headed for divorce, a woman typically brings up an difficult topic by criticizing her husband. For instance, when the woman wants her spouse to fix the sink, she might say “You never do anything around the house.” The husband usually responds by getting negative and blaming his wife with comments like, “What are you – stupid!? You don’t appreciate all that I do! I never sit down.” Criticism and personal attacks pave the way down the road to divorce. If you want to end up divorced and alone, just keep on denigrating your spouse.

On the other hand, if you are open-minded and want to keep your marriage intact, then find healthy ways to communicate.

As it is far easier to DO something rather than NOT do something, I’m going to share with you 15 things to DO when you sense yourself getting angry with someone you care about (For example, “Don’t sit down” is a much harder command to follow than “Stand up.”).

So to keep your relationships going strong, I recommend these emotional tools:

Things to Do When You Begin to Get Angry


When you’re upset with your spouse, begin the conversation at a low level of intensity. Don’t start by with an attack. Instead use the I statements. Start by explaining how you feel and why you feel that way. Follow it up with what you need your spouse to do. For instance, “I’m frustrated by everything I have to do. The house is a mess and we have guests coming over tonight. I need your help picking up the house.”


When your spouse tells you what’s wrong, stay calm. Fight the automatic urge to attack. Instead, ask your partner to be specific about what he or she wants like, “What do you need me to do?” If you’re too mad to be respectful, take time to calm down — go for a walk, watch TV, go to bed — before talking again. It’s always helpful to have a standing time out rule where anyone can take a break from a disagreement because they are too angry or emotional to continue. Nothing will get resolved if one or both of you are angry. First, get past the anger, then solve the dispute.

Close your mouth. Shut your pie hole. This is the single best thing you can do when you’re angry. Why? It buys you time to calm down and thus, to think more clearly. When you are angry, you are far more likely to say something that you later regret. Learn the art of silence.

Think of your anger on a ten point scale where 1 is calm and 10 is enraged. If your anger goes above a 5, take a time out. Walk away. Have a standing rule in your house that anyone can take a time out whenever things get too heated. Agree to come back to the issue later when things have calmed down.

Staring at another person when they are angry serves to heighten their negative feelings. Look away. Look at your shoes, the ceiling, the sky or a picture. Give the other person a minute to recompose him- or herself. Keep them in your peripheral vision. Just don’t look directly at them.

Guide To Self(C) 2005-06.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Top Things To Do When You Become ANGRY

15 things to do when you begin to realize you are starting to get angry.

Dr. John Schinnerer, host of Guide To Self radio, shares his best secrets on defusing your anger in tense situations with loved ones.

Guide To Self radio may be heard every Monday through Friday on KDIA 1640 AM. More shows available at
Duration:27 minutes, 43 seconds

MP3 File

Thursday, February 09, 2006

The Secret to a Lasting Marriage - Correct 91% of the time!

Dealing with Disagreement for Couples
Dr. John Schinnerer
Guide To Self
(925) 944-3440

Cupid may help people fall in love, but he fails miserably when it comes to helping couples remain in love. That’s because the degree to which you love someone, amazingly, has little to do with how long your relationship lasts. The biggest secret to a happy relationship has to do with how well you deal with your conflicts.

Researchers can accurately determine if a couple will divorce by watching them talk about their differences for just five minutes. Using this little chunk of information, researchers are correct 91% of the time in uncovering those relationships that will endure versus those that will crash and burn.

In partnerships headed for divorce, a woman typically brings up an difficult topic by criticizing her husband. For instance, when the woman wants her spouse to fix the sink, she might say “You never do anything around the house.” The husband usually responds by getting negative and blaming his wife with comments like, “What are you – stupid!? You don’t appreciate all that I do! I never sit down.” And so on down the road to divorce.

If you want to keep your marriage intact, find a healthy way to communicate.

To keep your relationships going strong, I recommend these emotional tools:


When you’re upset with your spouse, begin the conversation at a low level of intensity. Don’t start by with an attack. Instead use the I statements. Start by explaining how you feel and why you feel that way. Follow it up with what you need your spouse to do. For instance, “I’m frustrated by everything I have to do. The house is a mess and we have guests coming over tonight. I need your help picking up the house.”


When your spouse tells you what’s wrong, stay calm. Fight the automatic urge to attack. Instead, ask your partner to be specific about what he or she wants like, “What do you need me to do?” If you’re too mad to be respectful, take time to calm down — go for a walk, watch TV, go to bed — before talking again. It’s always helpful to have a standing time out rule where anyone can take a break from a disagreement because they are too angry or emotional to continue. Nothing will get resolved if one or both of you are angry. First, get past the anger, then solve the dispute.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Dr. John Schinnerer talks with Dr. Jonathan Haidt, author of “The Happiness Hypothesis: Why the Meaningful Life is Closer Than You Think.” Jon is a professor at the University of Virginia. And his book is about ten Great Ideas. Each chapter is an attempt to appreciate one idea that has been discovered by several of the world’s civilizations: to question it in light of what we now know from scientific research, and to extract from it the lessons that still apply to our modern lives. It is a book about how to construct a life of virtue, happiness, fulfillment, and meaning.

Some of the questions asked include...

You use metaphors effectively to help readers understand complex ideas. Would you tell us about your rider (conscious mind) and the elephant (unconscious, emotional mind) metaphor?

You write that we are all hypocrites and so it’s quite hard for us to stick to the Golden Rule. Why are we so hypocritical?

What about the happiness hypothesis? Where do you think happiness comes from?

What are your thoughts about Nietszche’s statement, “what doesn’t kill me makes me stronger?”

How have our concepts of values and morality changed over the years?

Listen in to Dr. John Schinnerer every Monday through Friday on KDIA 1640 AM in the SF Bay Area.
Duration:27 minutes, 38 seconds

MP3 File