Thursday, February 23, 2006

Tune in to today's edition of Guide To Self for the latest ways to survive in the brave new world of midlife romance – the sticky world of sex and the single parent!
How do you date when you are single with kids? What are the rules for folks over thirty recently reintroduced to the dating scene?
Who makes the first call?
Does the "three date rule" hold true?
Who pays for dinner?
And perhaps MOST importantly - How do you find a date who is NOT insane?

In 2003, nearly 30% of folks age 40 to 60 are single and the number seems to be growing. That’s up more than 10% from 1980. And roughly 2/3rds of these people are actively dating. What’s more, according to AARP, 45% of men and 38% of women age 40 to 60 have intercourse at least once a week. And 61% of sexually active older singles report they’re having unprotected sex.

Now the lady whom I’m speaking with today, Tamara, is in her late 30's. She is single and a mother of two teenage daughters. Today, I’m talking with Tamara, a veteran of the trenches of the single scene. She has some valuable lessons for most, if not all. of us.

For those of you interested in learning the new rules of dating for single parents, stick around, you are right where you want to be. This is your friendly neighborhood psychologist, Dr. John and you’re listening to Guide To Self on KDIA 1640 AM
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